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Conserve at Home
Meet Willie
the WaterDrop


Welcome to El Paso Water’s TecH2O Center!  We offer interactive exhibits, family-friendly events, and TEKs-aligned STEAM lessons that explore all things water. Our goal is to foster an appreciation of water management in the Chihuahuan Desert while inspiring a strong conservation culture.  Ready to explore? Come visit us, or click below to schedule a field trip today!


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Field Trips and Educational Experiences

Upcoming Events


DiscoverE Event

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
TecH2O Center, 10751 Montana Ave, El Paso TX, 79935

As part of National Engineers Week, we want to inspire students by celebrating engineers and hope that one day young people will also help to...


Spring Break Discovery Series

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Tech2o, 10751 Montana Ave., El Paso Tx, 79935

Free family activities geared toward parents and students. Have fun with arts and crafts thatinvolve water in the following activities: upcycled bird...


Landscape Expo

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
TecH2O Center, 10751 Montana Ave, El Paso TX, 79935

Learn how to create a great landscape and save water at this FREE landscape event.