Have questions about a visit?

Here are answers to frequently asked questions. Don't see the information you need? Reach out to us by phone or email.


We have 16 interactive exhibits. To fully enjoy all exhibits, please plan on 1-2 hours.

Internet access is only available to those guests who rent the facility.


We do have a seat available in the ladies room for those wishing to nurse their child.

Backpacks are allowed. We do not allow food or drink in the facility.

We have one wheelchair that is available free of charge for use while visiting the TecH2O Center. Visitors may ask for assistance from the front desk.


Yes, please visit our Education page and click the field trip link.

On our Education page, you will find lesson plans broken up by elementary, middle and high school curriculum.

Yes, we offer outreach programs for K-12. Visit our Education page and click the Classroom Activities links for elementary, middle school or high school. 

As partners in education with all school districts, TecH2O is a resource to all area teachers. Before you leave our facility, please be sure to sign our guest book and indicate that you are an educator. We will add your name and email to our educator database. We do not share your information with anyone. You will receive emails from TecH2O about all education related activities, programs and events.

We are a host institute for Project WET and a Certified Field Site for Texas Aquatic Science. We offer CEU's on a number of environmental science curriculum.